Migrating Snow Geese Touch Down at Garry Point Park
Hundreds of Thousands of Birds Make Annual Stop in Richmond
Snow geese have been spotted at Garry Point Park marking the beginning of their migration south for the winter.
Every fall hundreds of thousands of snow geese make the journey from the Arctic to the Pacific Northwest, stopping at various points along the way to rest and refuel. One of their favorite spots is Garry Point Park in Richmond, British Columbia. The park’s vast mudflats provide the perfect habitat for the geese to feed.
This year, the first snow geese arrived at Garry Point Park in early October, and their numbers have been steadily increasing ever since. By the end of October, there were an estimated 100,000 geese in the park. The geese will likely stay at Garry Point Park for several weeks before continuing their journey south.
Snow geese are beautiful birds with white bodies and black wingtips. They are known for their loud honking calls, which can be heard for miles around. The geese are also very social creatures and can often be seen in large flocks.
Garry Point Park is one of the few places in Canada where snow geese can be seen in such large numbers. The park is an important stopover point for these birds as they make their long journey south. Viewing platforms have been set up for visitors to get a close-up view of the birds.
Visitors can also take part in guided walks led by park naturalists. The walks are a great way to learn more about snow geese and their migration.
The snow geese will stay at Garry Point Park for several weeks, so there is plenty of time to visit the park and see these amazing birds.